HMR & Hypnotherapy Compared

Since I’m trained in both HMR and hypnotherapy, I felt led to share a few comparisons between the two. The thoughts listed here are only mine and do not necessarily represent the views of any other groups.


Both HMR and hypnotherapy use a means of relaxation. Hypnotherapy calls such relaxation a trance state and the steps to get into the trance state are often specified by the therapist. These steps may include breathing deeply. In HMR, however, the client is asked to describe a safe place of his or her own choosing and the offer is made for the client to then use breathing to reinforce the feeling of being in their safe place.


In hypnotherapy, the therapist chooses the flow of the session and may direct the client. In HMR, the therapist asks the client questions rather than directing the session. These questions allow the client to feel more in charge of the session and their own healing.


After the safe scene, HMR addresses negative events of the client by asking where the negativity is felt in the client’s body. Thus the client determines which event to address first. Traditional hypnotherapy begins with what the therapist and client intellectually believe needs to be addressed first.


In hypnotherapy the therapist often states how they expect the client to feel once the effects of a traumatic event are released. In HMR the client is asked to create their own corrective event so that their subconscious feels comfortable. I like the HMR approach better since it allows the client to decide what he or she needs.


When closing a hypnotherapy session, the therapist may say, “Now you will feel …” This statement can make the client feel that the therapist is in charge of how the client feels. When closing an HMR session, the therapist often says, “How does your body feel now?” This question can help the client connect to their body in a more personal way and in a way they did not connect prior to release of their trauma.


I prefer HMR for the above reasons and also because I can teach clients to do HMR for themselves and not always rely on a therapist.


How HMR Enhanced My Life
