As a child, I thought that my earthly father was an indication of my heavenly Father. After all, they had the same name, didn’t they?
I was raised in the church, baptized at age seven, and attended services twice on Sunday and once on Wednesdays. As a Southern Baptist in the 1950’s and 60’s, I learned lots about God. I learned of His wrath and felt that, if I sinned, he’d just kill me immediately and send me straight to hell. I knew exactly what that looked like. I’d seen my earthly father kill a dog who misbehaved or was born the wrong color.
Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR) resolves our trauma which relaxes our brain’s amygdala allowing greater access and clarity to our prefrontal cortex, our decision-making part of our brain. After only three HMR sessions I, at age 55, suddenly had clarity. My earthly father wasn’t at all like my heavenly Father. Not even close.