EARLY HMR Research

Quantitative Electro-Encephalograms were performed on 10 randomly selected individuals in October, 2016. The criteria for those chosen included that they had never experienced HMR and that they had not used benzodiazipines within 3 months of the QEEGs. The QEEGs were performed immediately prior and post a 1 hour HMR session.

A brief summary of findings included the following:

An 8 year old who had experienced 2 seizures a week prior to her HMR session did not experience another seizure for 18 months following her session. The neurotherapist who read her QEEGs stated that the right and left hemispheres were significantly different prior to HMR and that, after HMR, they were noticeably more balanced and less likely to seize.

The second client presented with head trauma and abuse history. Her QEEG showed improved coherence, particularly in the Theta range and PTSD less in evidence post HMR.

A third client presented with anxiety disorder and trauma history. Her Minor Traumatic Brain Injury severity index reduced significantly after HMR.

The fourth client presented with birth trauma, anxiety, PTSD from sexual abuse, and headaches. She reported her pain levels reducing from a 6 or 5 to a 3 or 2 as a result of HMR.

The fifth client had experienced trauma from multiple medical procedures. His QEEG showed better coherence and reduced compulsivity post session.

The sixth client presented with head trauma and severe physical and mental abuse. He had been recommended for ADD medications. Post HMR, he had significant increase in Predicted Cognitive Performance and reduction in Traumatic Brain Injury Index.

The seventh client presented with anxiety and safety issues. The neurotherapist reading her QEEGs stated that her Frontal Lobe functioning at the onset was very disrupted in its ability to work the right and left hemispheres prior to HMR and perfect after the session.

The eighth client presented with substance abuse, neck, back, and shoulder pain. Post session, she declared her pain level from a 9 to “greatly decreased”. Her QEEG showed less compulsion and obsession post HMR.

The ninth client presented with anxiety, back and hip pain and safety issues. Her pain level reduced from 8 to 2. Her QEEG showed PTSD prior to session and not after the session.

The tenth client presented with a bipolar diagnosis, emotional abuse, migraines, PTSD, and phobias. She reported ending the session calmer.

To see the PowerPoint presentation including selected brain images, click here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p01gx1xhzqxw2ke/Research%20Presentation%20March%202017.pdf?dl=0

To access the entire QEEG package, contact us.


Testimonial from HMR client


My story